November 2018 Lunch Meeting

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Happy Hollow
Speaker: Suzan Erem, Executive Director - Sustainable Iowa Land Trust

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Lunch Meeting @ Happy Hollow

11:30 | Lunch & Networking
12:00 | Meeting & CE Program

Topic: Sustainable Iowa Land Trust
Presented by: Suzan Erem

Suzan Erem is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust, launched in January 2015 to permanently protect land to grow healthy food. Suzan graduated from the University of Iowa in the mid-1980s with degrees in Journalism and English, but soon learned she had the ability to bring people together around common goals. Job opportunities dragged her out of Iowa but she returned in 2010 with her husband to witness a dramatically different landscape. At the same time local food was more popular than ever, young people could not afford the land to grow that food on. She put her organizing skills to work, and two years later leaders in agriculture, development and planning from around the state joined together to create SILT.

This program is relevant for all estate planning professionals and offers one-hour of credit for life insurance, legal, accounting, CFP, PACE and CAP (pending approvals).

Register online or contact Council Executive, Stacie Sarasio at 402.991.3122

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