February 2021 Lunch Meeting

Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Happy Hollow Club
Speaker: Robert B. Wellendorf II, AEP, CAP

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11:30 AM - Lunch & Networking (for those attending in-person)
*online attendees are welcome to login at 11:30 for virtual networking with other online attendees
12:00 PM - Meeting & Program

Funding Your Business Exit Plan presented by Robert B. Wellendorf II, AEP CAP
Business owners face many challenges on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, there is a strong need to continue to work ‘on’ the business as much as working ‘in’ the business. Funding an exit plan is perhaps one of the most significant issues to be addressed, and business owners face the reality of either exiting unexpectedly or exiting on their terms. Both of which create complexities that can easily be overlooked. In this session we will explore both paths and provide guidance on how best to approach and address each one. We use several case examples showing what went well and exposing what went not so well. The key to great planning is having a multi-disciplinary collaborative team working together for the benefit of the business owner and his or her family. 
This program offers one hour of credit for NE & IA  Legal, CFP, NE Life Insurance and Accounting (pending approvals). General certificate of attendance offered for self-reporting additional designations. 

Register online or contact Stacie Sarasio at 402.210.9446


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